mission and giving
As a church we believe it is more important to give than receive. We support projects and missions overseas and locally.
projects we support

White Eagle Project
An orphanage and health centre in Uganda dedicated to looking after children with no parents and finding appropriate families for adoption.

The Children's Society
Dedicated to helping children in need in the UK and overseas.

Wild Goose Cafe
A team from St Paul's go to cook for the homeless on a regular basis at the Wild Goose Cafe

Water Aid
WaterAid is an international non-profit organisation that was set up in 1981 to change lives through clean water, decent toilets and good hygiene.

Christian Aid
For decades Christian Aid has fought poverty, strengthened the poor, and worked in partnership with the Church and communities overseas to bring about faith, hope and unconditional love.

Bristol Churches Winter Night Shelter
Running since 2017 a project to open church buildings during the coldest weeks of the year to offer somewhere safe and warm to sleep, hot food, company and conversation to some of Bristol's homeless people